Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kanye South Park Quotes What Did South Park Do To Kanye West?

What did South Park do to Kanye West? - kanye south park quotes

I learned something from South Park and Kanye West, what happened?


steve g said...

two characters (Cartman & Jimmy .. but especially Jimmy) has a joke that has become popular everywhere created, and everyone is oke, but Kanye West.

Q - "You like fish sticks?" (Said fast)
A - "Yes ..."
Q - "You like fish fingers in the mouth? (Say" fish sticks "fast)
A - "So you're a fish gay!"

* "Fish sticks Say sounds fast," as you say, "*****". Fish

Kanye West and could not understand why, after the joke many times people called him "the gay fish.

The "lesson" of this episode is that people should not be too self-centered. Was in the wake of the SP, both Cartman (wHo said that if he had the joke even if it really Jimmy) and Kanye West.

Hope that helps answer your question! :-)

lou_300 said...

He (Kanye characters in the program) does not get a joke about "fish sticks" (*****) fish and mocks put the "fish gay."

Apparently, although he said the show "killed", he thought the episode was beautiful and was a kind of humility. :)

Don Corleone said...

South Park has recently an episode centered around huge egos West. At the end of the episode of the West recognizes that needs to get over himself, after he did not understand a joke, because allowing his ego.

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