Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stages Of Lung Cancer More Condition_symptoms If My Doctor Has Told Me I Have Lung Cancer Early Stages, Can I Smoke For Say Another Year Before Worrying?

If my doctor has told me I have lung cancer early stages, can I smoke for say another year before worrying? - stages of lung cancer more condition_symptoms

Well, here's the deal: First, it is one of the most aggressive lung cancer at all. There is growing rapidly. If you continue to smoke, the tumor cells look like a huge party, and create more of themselves until they are out of control, and dies. If you are in the early stages now, there is a good opportunity to get all the tumor removed. But as soon as the advanced stage and the party gets out of control, tumor cells have spread to other parts of the body. Until then, you are terminal, and will die.

Second, say, "Oh, well, then regardless of bulls * t. What really happens is that you're in pain, as you do not believe it. You can see and feel terrible for all of his energy is gone, and the last what lies at the heart of cigarettes. It is a great deal about the quality of life is what really matters ..


Panda said...

No, you are confused about the role of smoking is lung cancer. Smoking in places where the risk of lung cancer. Once you progressing lung disease if you smoke or not. Therefore, it does not matter who is against the disease, smoke, Healthwise however, will continue if you continue to smoke during treatment less likely to recover himself. It's hard to smoke out of surgery, chemotherapy or other treatments again. . a non-smoker has a better chance of survival for a person to smoke more.

Those who continue to smoke have a higher risk of complications. . Like other bleeding, shortness of breath and increases the risk of infection, etc.. . if it makes a difference in terms of comfort and survival.

jackie m said...

What would be the outcome if they had ended a year ago? Do you think that smoking would happen if you never smoked? It makes you think. Like a smoker who would like the damage that smoking has become common, and is worse than that? My father was a heavy smoker for 73 years, when he said that he had lung cancer, they removed part of the lung and recovered, but 3 years later, he died 6 weeks after being diagnosed with stomach cancer?

Sebastie... said...

Effects of smoking are additive. The more you smoke the more damage is done. if you can still smoke the progression of lung cancer and accelerate the move in the final stages faster than if you go now. Leaving the statistically their chances of survival.

Sebastie... said...

Effects of smoking are additive. The more you smoke the more damage is done. if you can still smoke the progression of lung cancer and accelerate the move in the final stages faster than if you go now. Leaving the statistically their chances of survival.

john3131... said...

So you believe another year you have customized a lot of pain? Try it out and then back again in 6 months and tell us how you feel if he dies before that date, the cancer is spreading very quickly, even non-smokers and smokers will only be used to spread more quickly, must stop now and again does not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke to your chance, you have the first symptom, and do not smoke, get only one chance in life and this is his turning point.

Akemi said...

Nicorette, Nicorette, you hit the cigarette.

You should! You have cancer! Sooner or later, is bad.

I could always start over - and not always when you start smoking, it can occur at any time. If you are new, then it is always faster. The lung is one of the three bodies to live.

Good luck.

joy_gone... said...

If you already have lung cancer, which is a little too late to quit. On the other hand, if you are reading can aggravate and exacerbate the situation. It can also interfere with the treatment against cancer. You should really stop ... like yesterday!

pyjamato... said...

The damage is there, you now have the option of his body. Even if you now go to heal? If you can not heal, so he could enjoy the rest of his life.

bty81216... said...

What has ended up planets? You have lung cancer, and I think it is okay to continue smoking.
You must grow a brain.

Paddy B said...

See the link below

old know all said...

Smoke away. The damage is done. Catch any great books.

World Champ Stephen Neal said...

The damage is done. I could to enjoy it.

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