Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Acid Reflux And Bedwetting Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux? - acid reflux and bedwetting

What are good remedies for acid reflux diease addition perscribed medications? Previcid Nexium Prilosec


chipmunk... said...

I am not a doctor, it is still talking with them, but I must say as a longtime victim of acid reflux disease (GERD)!

Three part answer information, and do not what to do!

I have a very severe case of acid reflux disease (GERD). I had to go to hospital for some of the heartburn that I go because the pain can be overwhelming or your breathing can be done. It can be caused by smoking, consumption of caffeinated beverages if (Wed), consumption of alcoholic beverages, or can also be hereditary

The good thing about GERD is that it may be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a license to do, even if it ends with him the rest of his life has the ability to heal itself.

GERD is caused by excess stomach acid is created. This can cause damage or ulceration of the esophagus, stomach and / or damage to your mouth. . Other symptoms that can be found in a few cases are dizziness, tingling in the limbs, numbness in the extremities, chest / back covered FELt side (in most cases), and the lack / difficulty breathing.

What NOT to do !!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor for reflux to see if you are what you eat and help reduce some stress. When you see what you eat for a week, you should find help when you when he should really listen to the doctor. Things to note:

Food, the fat
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato products
Fodder crops (berries and nuts)

The two foods that I recommend is black molasses and honey. The apple is better for the reflux at night while working for almost everything. What you do is, take a teaspoon. what you've selected. Molasses is the best reason of strength and nutrition, but must be used for taste. What is the substance do not on the walls of the esophagus and two things stick, is cured once andAnother is to protect.
At the end of treatment, both substances have medicinal properties in them, and if they sit on the wall of the esophagus to heal. This is also useful if you have a sore throat on the morning of reflux.
At the end of protection, both substances in sugar and acid reflux high that is neutralized until the sugar and no longer a problem at this point was.

I am also in search of cinnamon and ginger in food, which is known to aid digestion and reduce the amount of acid needed to curb the food share, resulting in fewer return.

zilchalw... said...

I also have, and take Nexium and have been for a long time. But I do not know what to take, but it does not help eating fatty foods, we all want to eat me included. I'm still eating some Tums. Unfortunately I can not help you, more happiness

Josh P said...

CTA, you can try Prilosec once daily and Zantac once a day, abdominal or Rolaids supplemented as needed. Or go to your doctor for prescription drugs, but not as good as before. It depends on what your co-payments and what the least expensive.

You can try the alternatives of herbal / but just know that there is no scientific evidence. But many people swear by them. His election, however. Good luck!

PS Also definitely try all things, prevention, such as when the head of the bed a little bit away from spicy foods, mint, chocolate, etc., and eat at least 30 minutes before a meal.

cathdew7... said...

Look out for my husband who is only 37 years old, had a heart attack he had treated many years for acid reflux and, therefore, not that his father died late last year after a massive heart attack had this warning. Just be careful that you get a wrong diagnosis

Marcee M said...

Try digestive enzymes and also the following:

Take a 1-liter glass, add 2 tbls. Honey
1 / 2 C. raw apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons aloe vera juice
a little baking powder (optional)
Fill the container with distilled water remains. Shake well. Refrigerator. Take a few cups am and pm
Give him a month. Amazing. It's just got rid of acid reflux, but the honey and aloe helps heal the esophagus.

For more immediate help (but not) to a cure, try the cucumber juice for heartburn is making very bad.

freckles said...

A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day to help you.

jonathan said...

to say that drinking orange juice or to reduce the frequency and leaving the case to avoid acid reflux

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