Friday, January 29, 2010

Bmi Of Women In China Is BMI Accurate For Women With Big Boobs?

Is BMI accurate for women with big boobs? - bmi of women in china

I have recently had a test of the body mass index and was surprised to learn that I am apparently restricted obese. I never thought of me first as obese, so it really odd that I get out. I am not muscular, but I have big natural breasts. Prejudice, would not it?

I'm 1.73m, weights 83 kg and I am a 36ff cup. Am I really as obese limit? : S

Note: This is a serious problem. Serious answers please, no horny comments.


Bobi said...

BMI is inaccurate and it seems to be an expert in the development of the BMI. I work as a weight limit is much overweight. However, Yeh large breasts can make a difference, not just because your fat or muscle.

Mina said...

BMI is seldom properly if you want the truth. Bodybuilders are considered overweight because muscle heavier than fat.

BMI is an outdated things, inaccurate, worthless degree of weight that is not taken into account, such as muscle mass, breast size and bone structure.

danadevi... said...

BMI is a load of crap. According to the BMI table foolish builders are obese. OK, of course they are. Do not worry about what is said a picture of stupid. No wonder why so many people have problems with their bodies.

perfecti... said...

BMI is inaccurate, if someone has big breasts or not.

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